Harrison's Parent Teacher Organization
Harrison PTO strives to keep the Harrison Staff and its parents informed of the concerns and issues that involve the students, families, staff and the community as a whole. This is done through monthly meetings, constant communications with administrators and staff, and by a large parent volunteer base.
Harrison PTO prides itself on its large participation of parents, teachers, and students in the areas of fund raising and school activities. The parents are eager to help in the classrooms, assist in fundraising and plan events and activities. With this in mind, we can say that we work together, meeting each other's needs and caring for each and every individual who walks through the doors and essentially becomes a part of the Harrison family.
All fund raising monies raised by Harrison Families are used to enrich the lives of Harrison Students by providing classroom materials, enrichment activities, Carnivals, Holiday Parties, and assisting in the cost of field trips and transportation.
If you have any questions regarding the Harrison PTO and its efforts, or how to become a member or get involved, please feel free to contact the Harrison PTO board at or contact the Harrison School directly. Scroll through the documents below, by clicking the document it will download a printable copy.
Approval by the district must be acquired prior to being on or helping with the Harrison PTA
PTO Meeting Notes
- 9/16/24 Harrison PTO Meeting
- 10/21/24 Harrison PTO Meeting
- 11/18/24 Harrison PTO Meeting
- 1/14/25 Harrison PTO Meeting
9/16/24 Harrison PTO Meeting
HPTO Meeting Agenda
Sept 2024 | 6:00pm to 7:30pm | Location: Havana Coffee
Welcome (Sarah)
Introductions/ Attendance: Sarah Smith, Jen Babcock, Sydney Maresch, Crystal Torres, Liza Witt, Allisen Cullum, Catherine Kolb, Jessica Grandt, & Erin Stacey
Principal Update (Jessica) --Great start to the school year!
Teacher Updates
Primary Unit: First grade began week 2 in Wonders, learning about different families. Started module 3 in math, working on story problems and subitizing. Learning about animal superpowers in Science. In health, just finished unit on germs.
Intermediate Unit: Discussing Realistic Fiction, family history.
Upper Unit: Math is working on different multiplication strategies/ways to represent the concept of (x). Discovering Tsunami information in Science. Learning the four social sciences in Social Studies. Reading about natural disasters: nonfiction, informational text in Wonders.
Treasurer’s Report (Catherine)
2024-2025 Budget Review & Approval. Was Approved.
Zeffy Recap from Teacher Meet & Greets. Zeffy gave mainly staff members issues while in the building. Possibly because they're on a different network that blocks zeffy? Some problems from parents but for the most part it worked for most everyone. Will continue to offer Venmo still for now.
Check-in: PTO Needs for Upcoming Events (Erin/Sarah)
Back to School Kick-Off - Recap
PTO Sign Up Results: More sign ups then last year.
Color Run
Lex’irriaz Taco Truck - booked. Owner not getting back to Sarah so we are going to brainstorm a new plan ASAP. On Taco Trucks fb page, it looks like she has 2 other events scheduled the same night as color run. Forgot to write us in? We’ll reach out to other food trucks if available. Jen Babcock offered her husband to make pulled pork for sandwiches if needed.
Kona Ice - booked. Good to go!
Hawk Meals - Pizza, Chips, Water or CapriSun $5 Catherine will pick up ice from KT with gift card. Pizza to be PICKED UP from Macs at 4:45 and 5:45. Will be sent in warming bags. Erin has volunteers taken care of for this. Jen Babcock and Sarah Smith will bring their large coolers for drinks.
Tent for foot area (Jen) Good to go. Has 2 tents.
DJ Jason - booked. Good to go!
Porta Potty - Lon’s Jon’s - booked! Good to go!
Volunteers (Erin) - Good or Need more? We should be good to go.
Fundraising Goal Levels & Rewards Reminders: So far $8270.00 raised.
$5k - Slime Project for Students. We have met goal! YAY! We’ll need volunteers to prepare slime project for students.
$10k - Teachers Karaoke or Dance. Will most likely meet goal! YAY! Need to research a fun dance for teachers to do!
$15k - Dr. Grandt gets Slimed. Hoping to reach!!
Restaurant Nights:
Jersey Mike’s Recap - Sat. Sept 7th. Received $50.00. Will try again in the future but on a NON weekend day.
Scoopie Night - October 9th - Volunteers Needed or Good? Good to go with teacher sign ups.
Trunk or Treat 10/17 - What is needed? Start planning… Will start planning as soon as color run is over. Will plan on collecting candy again from families and have sign up for trunks. Erin will do hot cocoa table again but at end of trunk or treat line instead of being alone in front of building.
New Business (Sarah) Need to put together a committee soon for Spring Parent Night Fundraiser. Jess nominated Megan Schultz and Kassi Haas to help if able too. Possibly having an Artwork Auction. Jess will speak to Kassi about.
Questions or Concerns (Sarah)
Next Meeting: Monday, October 21st | 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
at Havana Coffee
10/21/24 Harrison PTO Meeting
HPTO Meeting Agenda
Oct 2024 | 6:00pm to 7:30pm | Location: Havana Coffee
- Welcome (Sarah)
- Introductions/ Attendance: Deborah Spence, Michelle Spence, Kimberly Astin, Rachel Sanderson, Erin Stacey, Catherine Kolb, Genna Robinson, Stephanie Whitney, Jessica Grandt, Jennifer Babcock.
- Principal Update (Jessica) Referendum coming up. Handed out a pamphlet on info.
Conferences are this coming Wed. and Thu. PTO is purchasing dinner boxes for teachers from Luke’s Deli for Wed. evening.
Thank you!
- Teacher Updates
- Primary Unit: K- Learning about the pumpkin life cycle in science. Learning about solving problems and facial cues in social studies. 1st- Completed Unit 2, Mod. 4 of Math and Reading. Unit 2 Week- What are buildings made of? Narrative Writing.
- Intermediate Unit: 2nd- Reading about animals and their offspring (central idea, diagrams, & labels). Beginning addition on an open # line in math. Finishing realistic fiction for conferences in writing. 3rd- Reading about government Unit 2. Aligns w/social studies. Working on multiplication strategies in math. Rotary gardens field trip w/pumpkins this week.
- Upper Unit: 4th- Working on multiplication and division in Math. Geography and map skills in Social Studies. Waves and frequency in Science. Unit 2 for Wonders and expository writing. 5th- Working with fractions in Math. Revolutionary War in Social Studies. Decomposition and matter in Science. Working on expository writing project right now as well.
- Treasurer’s Report (Catherine)
- 2024-2025 Budget Review
- Fine Arts Committee budget - We lowered for this year due to not being used last year. Mrs. Sarauer would like to do at least 2 events this year - Can we afford to increase their budget this year? Will re-asses later on. Possibly after Spring Fundraiser.
- “The Juggler with the Yellow Shoes” scheduled for November 12th at 8:30am = $795
- He needs 2 helpers to unload and load his equipment - Sarauer was thinking Steve and one PTO volunteer? Erin will send a msg. out on the PTO FB page to ask for a volunteer to help.
- Possible “Ms. Kim’s Amazing Animals” presentation - Jen’s idea! Will re-asses later on next year after the Spring Fundraiser.
- “The Juggler with the Yellow Shoes” scheduled for November 12th at 8:30am = $795
- Check-in: PTO Needs for Upcoming Events (Erin/Sarah)
- Color Run
- Fundraising Goal Levels & Rewards - What was the final amount raised? Raised 13K
- $5k - Slime Project for Students. - Done! Kids loved it!
- $10k - Teachers Karaoke or Dance. - Any update from the dance teacher? Erin is working on this with an instructor she knows at 5678 Dance Studio. She’ll send a video to Dr. Grandt soon to share with teachers to practice. Dance will be performed by teachers on 11/12, same time as assembly when kids are all together already.
- Fundraising Goal Levels & Rewards - What was the final amount raised? Raised 13K
- Restaurant Nights:
- Scoopie Night - October 9th Canceled 🙁 - Do we have a reschedule date? Rescheduled to April 29th.
- Trunk or Treat 10/17 - Recap - Great turn out! More than just Harrison families. Turned out great! Had a little more than 600 people in attendance. Next year this event will only be shared on via Dojo. No public event will be created on FB. Ideas for next year: Teachers send slip home with students to write their name and teachers name on. Turn slip in upon arrival at the event. Then the next day students (or classrooms) will be chosen to win something. Also, a suggestion is to bring back voting on the best decorated trunk! 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.
- Game Night 11/8
- Need to start advertising. Erin will create a flyer.
- volunteers/help. Kassi Haas (art teacher) will help Erin during the event. Michelle Spence has also volunteered with helping.
- Games. Lots of games are already at school. We won’t be renting any games this year. Michelle Spence will bring some games to donate/be used during the event. Jen Babcock will bring giant jenga.
- Movie and Popcorn Night 12/13 Dustin Shevy working on this.
- Ideas on what movie to show? Possibly Charlie Brown Christmas or Wild Kratts Holiday Movie. Something shorter. The Mario movie last year was too long for kids to sit through.
- Adults-Only Spring Fundraiser
- Sarah talked to Jesse and he’s in - please discuss and pick 2-3 dates (between Friday and Saturday nights). Sarah will take dates to Jess. Dates: 01/31, 02/1, 02/07, OR 02/08. Sarah will discuss it with Jesse and CHECK ON CAPACITY OF ROOM.
- Megan Schultz & Kassi Haas working on art ideas for auction.
- Sub-Committee for Event - Need members
- Note: Sarah is willing to be on the sub-committe 🙂
- Color Run
Rachel Sanderson willing to help. She’d be happy to reach out to companies to get gift basket donations. Catherine Kolb will create google Doc for listing businesses to contact/notes. $30-$50 per ticket.
Will decide later. Will reach out to DJ Jason to help w/music.
Reason for Donation: Raising funds for Music Room Instruments/Equipment.
Name of Event: Harmony for Harrison. Something along that line.
- New Business (Sarah)
- Questions or Concerns (Sarah)
Discussed how bookfair works. Mr. Shevy runs/staffs fall book fair and proceeds go to
Library. Spring book fair, PTO is in charge of running/staffing and those proceeds go to
Fall Conferences: Setting up a PTO table in the front hallway to sell Smencils. Erin will
send out a volunteer need on the PTO FB Page to fill in shifts.
Next Meeting: Monday, November 18th | 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. | at Havana Coffee
11/18/24 Harrison PTO Meeting
HPTO Meeting Agenda
Nov 2024 | 6:00pm to 7:30pm | Location: Havana Coffee
1. Welcome (Sarah)
Attendance: Sarah Smith, Catherine Kolb, Nicki Rasmussen, Erin Stacey, Deborah Spence, Michelle Spence, Andrea Schmaling, Jen Babcock, Jessica Grandt, Allisen Cullum, Amanda Steurer, Rachel Sanderson.
2. Principal Update (Jessica)
a. Fall Conferences Recap--100% in Attendance. Luke's Deli for staff turned out great and they loved it!
b. Both referendums passed! Great news!
c. Assembly went great recently that PTO sponsored.
3. Teacher Updates
a. Primary Unit
K- Mrs. Demerath is back. Ms. Zuhde will stay on as a 3rd Kindergarten teacher. Writing number sentences in math. Switch classes for universal lessons.
1st- Working on place value and addition and subtraction in math.
b. Intermediate Unit
2nd- Reading expository text about animals and writing about them with Animal Research project. Working on place value in Math. Studying different cultures in Social Studies.
3rd- Finishing up reading unit 2 this week. Students have been reading poetry and thinking about character perspectives. In math they have been rounding and adding/subtracting 3-digit numbers. Studying inherited traits in Science.
c. Upper Unit
4th- Finished unit 3 focusing on decimals in math. Finished up unit on geography and moving onto WI history. Piloting science curriculum.
5th- Finishing up American Revolution. In Science they’re finishing up matter and eco systems and moving onto water unit. In writing they’re writing their own folktales after studying folktales in ELA.
4. Treasurer’s Report (Catherine)
a. 2024-2025 Budget Review
- Received $123.80 from Kona Ice from Color Run.
- Current balance is $16,752.71 in the bank account.
- Will touch base in Spring after Harmony for Harrison event if PTO can budget for another assembly this year still.
- Teacher reimbursements are DUE 12/15!
- 5th Graders- Will attend Frozen Jr. at Edison. Only cost will be bussing.
- Possible K-2 field trip to JPA in the Spring.
5. Check-in: PTO Needs for Upcoming Events (Erin/Sarah)
a. Color Run - Teacher Dance Completed. Everyone loved the dance and it went well! b. Restaurant Nights: Mac’s Pizza night canceled for 11/21. Jess will send out a dojo message to let parents know.
i. Scoopie Night - December 11th
Good on volunteers. Mrs. Wormet handling.
ii. Papa Murphy’s Night - January 15th
iii. Scoopie Night - February 12th
iv. Papa Murphy’s Night - March 12th
v. April? Maybe Mod Pizza
vi. May? Maybe Chick Fil A
c. Game Night 11/8 - Recap Went really good and we had a larger turnout this year then last year. No games or activities were rented this year. Helpful to have Miss Haas there.
d. Movie and Popcorn Night 12/13 - Dustin Shevy
i. Movie picked yet? Decided on a DOUBLE FEATURE showing Charlie Brown Christmas (30 min) and the original How the Grinch Stole Christmas (26 min). Both are shorter than showing a long movie where kids get restless.
ii. Flier for event
Erin will work on the flier. No mats will be put down this year. Encourage families to bring their own blankets.
iii. Volunteers Needed?
Michelle Spence may be able to help.
Erin will make hot cocoa. Will reach out to Stacy Jersild to see if she can come in to make popcorn during the day on Friday as well so we have it all bagged up and ready to hand out at event. No popcorn will be made during event. Hand out mini candy canes as well.
e. Adults-Only Spring Fundraiser - “Harmony for Harrison”
- Logistics:
- Date Set: Friday, February 7th
- What time? 7pm-10pm
Cost of ticket? $30-50? Sarah will talk to Jessie regarding food.
Possibly offering a deal on couples and also for staff. Sarah to also
check on capacity of room. Banquet room is being offered for us to use free of charge.
4. DJ Jason?
5. Google Doc for business to contact - assign so not multiple people doing the same
Catherine has a Doc created and will email it out so it can be added
onto. Rachel Sanderson has reached out to a few businesses already (Grand Geneva, Life Dance Academy, Timber Hill Winery, TimberRidge Lodge)
Catherine will post a msg. On PTO FB page if any parents have a
business or have any connections of having donations made for silent auction items. Also to add question when signing up for PTO if parents have a business/connections.
50/50 will also be done at event. License is good to go!
Winners will be announced beginning at 9:30pm. Must be present to
ii. Kassi Haas put together supplies list for auction art work - Catherine has ordered the supplies and they will arrive at Harrison shortly.
iii. Sub-Committee for Event
1. Sarah Smith
2. Rachel Sanderson
3. Allisen Cullum, Catherine Kolb, Jessica Grandt, Jen Babcock, Megan Schultz?
Iv. Sub-committee will meet at Havana on 12/16 at 6:00pm
6. New Business (Sarah)
a. Thanksgiving Break Bingo w/ Prize Idea - Sarah
Bingo forms handed out to kids by homeroom teachers on Tuesday 11/26. Told to bring back to school with them on Monday 12/02. Anyone that returns to homeroom teacher, child is given a prize. (Sarah Smith will donate Wicki
Sticks). Teachers will have prizes ahead of time to hand out. Sarah has an example Thanksgiving Bingo Page and will change a few of the boxes and send to Marissa to print out and give to homeroom teachers.
7. Questions or Concerns (Sarah)
Next Regular Meeting: Monday, January 13th | 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. | at Havana Coffee (note: we will meet the 2nd Monday of the month due to MLK Day on the 3rd Monday. Thanks!)
1/14/25 Harrison PTO Meeting
HPTO Meeting Agenda
Jan 2025 | 6:00pm to 7:30pm | Location: Havana Coffee
- Welcome (Sarah)
Attendance: Sarah Smith, Jen Babcock, Catherine Kolb, Jess Grandt, Megan Schultz, Nikki Tourdot, Amanda Steurer, Allisen Cullum, Erin Stacey, Rachel Sanderson.
- Principal Update (Jessica)
5th Annual Bingo night went very well this past Friday. JPAC after school club starts this week. 1st/2nd on Tuesdays. 3-5th on Wednesdays. Discussed adding hardship fund. Recent passing of a student over winter break and a staff member’s son passed over the weekend. Art projects have been started for silent auction items for each grade.
- Teacher Updates
- Primary Unit: K- Learning about coins. Sunlight unit in Science. 1st- Learning about measurements and just had a unit on Penguins.
- Intermediate Unit: 2nd- Wrapping up Unit 3 in reading. ¾ progress monitoring, practicing sequencing of events, & character perspective and compound words. Will be taking unit 4 assessment on measurement (inches, feet, yards) in Math. Learning what urban, suburban, and rural communities are in Social Studies. In Science, learning about what insulation is and what materials have the best insulation. 3rd- Students are enjoying reader’s theater for the next few days along with practicing fluency. Thursday they'll review skills and will take their unit 3 test in Reading. Working on understanding fractions (ordering and comparing fractions with hands on materials like pattern blocks and fraction strips). Students are making connections of fractions on a number line to a ruler. Goal is to measure to the nearest ¼ inch. In Social Studies Students are learning about economy (wants/needs, goods and services, supply/demand). Building background knowledge, students then create their own businesses. Students will open their shops to sell goods/services to their classmates. This is a favorite 3rd grade project. Learning about forces and magnetism in Science.
- Upper Unit: 4th- Learning about the author's perspective in reading. New science love - energy kinds in Science. (Piloting program). Comparing early settlements in America in Social Studies. Unit 4 math multi digit, edition and subtraction. Field trip to UW geology museum coming up. 5th- Unit 4 division fraction times the whole number in Math. Unit 3 authors claim central idea in Reading.
- Treasurer’s Report (Catherine)
- 2024-2025 Budget Review
Sitting well. Software for MoneyMinder Fee went up $100.00. Looked into other options but not much else out there. Sticking with MoneyMinder. Teacher Expense reimbursements were done after 12/15/24. $710.35 not used of $2400.00 and went back into budget.
- Scoopie Night Check = $1368!!
- Create a Hardship Fund.
The PTO Executive board and PTO members reviewed and discussed the request to add a Hardship fund to our yearly budget of $200.00. It was first motioned by Catherine Kolb, seconded by Sarah Smith and moved the motioned to vote which was carried by a 10-0 vote to approve.
Other: Catherine will send a reminder out on PTO fb page regarding Box Top App. We'll also remind parents about App during conferences/checking out at bookfair.
- Check-in: PTO Needs for Upcoming Events (Erin/Sarah)
- Restaurant Nights:
- Papa Murphy’s Night - January 15th
- Scoopie Night - February 12th
- Restaurant Nights:
Jenna Wormet will be on it for teacher volunteers. Nikki Tourdot will confirm with Jenna.
- Papa Murphy’s Night - March 12th
- Mod Pizza - April ?? Sarah will reach out.
- Chick Fil A - May ?? Sarah will reach out.
- Thanksgiving Break Bingo - Lots of kids turn it in? Any leftover WikiStix?
Some kids forgot but seemed to go over well. Some kids turned them in later in the week. Leftover wiki stix went into classroom treasure boxes
- Movie and Popcorn Night 12/13 - RECAP
Great turnout! Really liked the double movie feature with shorter films and break in between. Less spillage this year of cocoa.
Went very well. Thank you PTO for great prizes! All prizes have been delivered.
- Adults-Only Spring Fundraiser - “Hawks Night Out: Music for a Meaningful Future”
- Date: Friday, February 7th from 7-10:00pm
- Sub-Committee for Event
- Sarah Smith
- Rachel Sanderson
- Jen Babcock
- Catherine Kolb
- Allisen Cullum
Planning is going very well. All food is picked out. Starting to gather auction items.
- Spring Conferences - Weds 2/26 (4p-7p) and Thurs 2/27 (8a-7p)
- PTO Dinner for Wednesday night was approved. Marissa and Sarah will look into options. Sarah will check with Sidleines to see if they can do a boxed option.
Bookfair: Will need to talk next month about volunteer slots to fill. PTO provides coverage.
- New Business (Sarah)
- Questions or Concerns (Sarah)
Events recap:
February- Hawks Night Out 02/07
*Kindness rocks take home craft* for students????
March- Glow Bingo Grades 3-5 03/07
- JPAC Show Grades K-2. Marissa will look into info/cost.
April- Trivia/Game night 04/11
May- Outdoor Movie with popcorn and possibly ice cream 05/16?
June- Last day of school Culvers Pint Sale? 06/06 Half Day.
Next Meeting: Monday, February 17th | 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. | at Havana Coffee